Course Description:

In this course we discuss the anatomy and physiology of the jaw. Review the dysfunction of the jaw and TMJ. Clarify the causes, specific events and subtypes that result in TMJ disorder. Summarize the mechanism of mouthpieces to correct TMJD.  Also, this course will elaborate on how integrate changes in patient’s lifestyle may prevent or ease the pain and discuss ongoing treatment management for TMJ disorder.


  1. Identify the bone and muscle structures involved in the jaw.
  2. Discuss some common dysfunctions of the TMJ joint.
  3. Discuss the common causes and list symptoms that trigger these disorders.
  4. Explain the importance of conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s jaw, head and neck to determine the structures causing TMJD symptoms so that a plan of treatment can be implemented for the underlying bio-mechanical problems.
  5. Describe how to integrate changes in patient’s lifestyle such as modifying repetitive behavior, maintaining good posture and exercise to correct or moderate the condition and the symptoms.
  6. Discuss the importance of a team approach involving more than one healthcare professional to yield more benefits towards a patient’s treatment.
  7. Discuss the importance of ethics when dealing with patients, their best interest, actions of the medical professional and ethical relationships.

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Craig Knowles, BAS, LMT, BCTMB

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